Happy Mothers’ Day!
Is it happy? For me, it’s bittersweet. I’ll get to be with my kids, but not with my mom nor my mother in law. We are super blessed to still have our moms healthy and nearby, but they both live in senior living and both places are locked down for the safety of the residents from COVID-19. Ugh…another reminder of the crazy times in which we are living. Another milestone on lockdown. Though things are beginning to open up a bit, I’m sticking close to home for a while longer.
So, what is Mothers’ Day to you? Is it a time to relish in the love of your kids? Is it a day to get away and have some solitude to restore your soul? Is it a happy day filled with love and the showering of gifts and sharing or is it a day of disappointment with dashed hopes and sadness remembering the loss of your own mom? These holidays are often reminders of all that is good and even some that doesn’t feel so good, but it’s still a day that you can make your own.
What do you want to do for YOU this Mothers’ Day? How do you need to use your voice to ask for this Mothers’ Day that will fill your buckets and nourish your soul? What do you need to do to create a space for yourself that feels safe, even if only for a few hours or minutes?
This year more than ever, we need some restoration and some tank-filling. What does that look like for you?
Sending love to my tribe and wishing you a Mothers’ Day filled with love and healing. This has been a crazy time and I want you all to know…
Happy Mothers’ Day with love,